
Peri and post menopausal

12 Week + Programme

  • Are you noticing or frustrated about weight gain or changes in your body?
  • Are you concerned about maintaining strength, mobility and bone health?
  • Are you experiencing any dips in energy, motivation, or joint pain and stiffness?
  • Are you experiencing any pelvic floor weakness, pain or challenges?

    Your initial personalised 12 week programme will incorporate specific movement to focus on the physical changes and specific challenges during this stage in our life. Pilates is massively beneficial pre and post menopause, strengthening the entire body without the need for apparatus. Your entire core, which supports the spine, improves posture and helps alleviate back pain. But more than just your abs - your core includes your glutes - some of the largest muscles in your body which need to be fired up and switched on to protect your pelvic floor as we age! Weight bearing exercises incorporated in the practice help stimulate bone growth helping combat bone density loss due to decreased estrogen levels. Pilates also improves muscle mass which decreases during menopause, aids with muscle tone and development, and improves joint mobility and reduces stiffness.

    The practice also helps you develop an understanding of how diaphragmatic and mindful breathing impacts your pelvic floor, as well as aiding in mental focus and relaxation. Menopause can weaken the pelvic floor, and hormonal fluctuations can lead to stress and anxiety.

    I am a late 40s woman in peri-menopause with a prolapse, and I fully intend to keep running, cycling and practicing pilates and yoga well into my ‘70s! As such I designed this programme to enable this. I will tailor your programme focussing on your own activity levels, goals, experience.

    I will also work with you to develop an understanding of the crucial role the breath plays in movement and protecting and strengthening our pelvic floor. The breath can also aid in focus, relaxation and sleep. Each session will incorporate gentle, yet effective movements designed to enhance energy levels, improve mobility and promote a calmer mind.

    By the end of this programme you can expect increased strength, improved posture, better overall flexibility, a stronger core, a stronger ‘safer’ pelvic floor, enhanced body confidence and tools to support long-term physical and mental wellbeing during this life stage.

    Once our 12 week programme is complete we would review and discuss building a weekly or fortnightly programme.

    £960 12 week programme. Payable monthly or a 10% discount if paid upfront.

  • Postnatal

  • Do you want to rebuild core strength and pelvic floor function after pregnancy?
  • Do you experience any leaking when coughing, exercising or any pelvic pain / weakness / heaviness in your pelvic floor?
  • Are you looking for a safe and effective return to exercise, that supports your body, and feel more in control of your body and movement?
  • Do you experience back, hip or shoulder pain from feeding, carrying or lifting your baby?
  • Are you hoping to return to running, gym or other and don’t know where to start?

    Safe and effective pilates workouts and programmes: Rebuilding your whole body, pelvic floor and core strength after birth, breathing retraining: postpartum and beyond.

    Whether your pregnancy and birth was straightforward or not, whether or not you maintained fitness or not, it is really important to begin your exercise programme slowly, re-introducing core exercises, gently re-engaging the pelvic muscles, and working on strengthening the entire pelvic sling and surrounding glutes that support this. Discovering in my late ‘40s I had a prolapse 8 years after giving birth twice, inspired my journey to re-train to teach pilates. The relationship between diaphragmatic breathing and the pelvic floor, strengthening our glutes and core, lengthening of the spine through pilates has made me practically asymptomatic. I am still running (half marathons included), cycling and actually feel stronger and more supple than I ever have been.

    I want to make you confident to be able to do all these things, and develop a lifelong understanding about how your own body works - starting with that oh so important sling of muscles of your pelvic floor! If you have a prolapse or any other postnatal physical challenges, they do not need to define you, nor control you, nor stop you doing anything that you want to do.

  • Runners and Cyclists

  • Are you struggling with recurrent injuries such as knee pain, shin splints or tight hips?
  • Do you experience lower back pain after long runs or rides?
  • Have you been told by a physio that you have weak glutes or they’re not firing?
  • Do you want to prevent injuries, improve overall body strength and continue to
  • participate in endurance training safely as you age?

    Having been running most of my life and regularly participated in marathons and half marathons, Pilates has had the most effective and tangible impact on both my performance, and ability to avoid or recover from injury. Even more so in my ‘40s. When moving into road cycling too in 2023, I understood the need more deeply to develop power and strength in my glutes and to strengthen and look after my back mobility. These programmes will incorporate exercises focussing on strengthening your glutes, core, hip mobility, balance, posture, and even foot mobility. If you want to continue to run or cycle into mid life and beyond, it’s crucial that you give your body the time and the tools to nourish, strengthen, protect and move freely.
  • SENIORS / Active 65+ Programmes

  • Do you want to maintain your independence and mobility as you age?
  • Are you concerned about balance and stability?
  • Do you want to keep doing the activities you love, as well as exercise, pain-free and safely?
  • Are you looking for a gentle yet effective way to build strength, protect your joints and bones?

    Stay active and strong; maintain vitality, muscle strength and endurance, mobility, flexibility, balance and fitness into your freeing senior years. Age is just a number, I’ve seen clients in their 70s stronger, more supple and balanced than those half their age. As with all exercises at this age caution must be applied when starting a programme, and I will work with you to build a programme that will safely challenge and enthuse you.
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